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Dill Tetra




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Warm season crop. This late flowering, bushy variety of dill is heat tolerant and slow-to-bolt, providing more fresh herb through the season for your culinary desires. The refreshing flavor of dill will surely win over those who have never tried it. The fresh leaves are delicious when sprinkled on all sorts of food including potatoes, lamb chops, tomatoes, squash, salads, sauces, griilled salmon, eggs, spinach, cucumbers, and green beans. Dried dill leaves can also be used, but fresh leaves are stronger and taste better. Dill seeds are used to make vinegar and in pickling. Dill is also an important host plant for the caterpillars of swallowtail butterflies and would make a good addition to a butterfly garden. This packet plants: One 500 foot row or many successive plantings.

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